
A platform game written with Excalibur

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If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years as a developer, it’s that whatever idea you initially have is always more complicated than you think it’s going to be, and thus too complicated. So it is with game development. I’ve previously tried to write games that are original and interesting, but got bogged down immediately in problems that I didn’t foresee. This time I’ve deliberately gone for something as simple as possible, and even so I’ve ended up having to think a little.

As Bob Ross says, “now, it’s time to make some big decisions”.

In the case of a platformer, even one that’s deliberately setting out to be ultimately generic, there are some big decisions to make straight out of the gate that have a surprising impact on the rest of the project. The first thing I hit was character movement.

Start with falling. Copying some code from one of the examples, it’s easy enough to get the player to fall:

export class Adventurer extends ex.Actor {
  constructor(engine: ex.Engine) {
      x: engine.drawWidth / 2,
      y: engine.drawHeight / 2,
      color: ex.Color.Violet,
      width: 40,
      height: 60,
      collisionType: ex.CollisionType.Active,
      acc: new ex.Vector(0, 400),

That acc: new ex.Vector(0, 400) is doing all the work: it’s a constant acceleration downwards (positive Y is downwards in our world, which models gravity pretty accurately. Combined with the collision type, the player will fall down and hit the floor.

You might worry that the constant acceleration could eventually lead to the speed being unusably fast, and that we should cap the terminal velocity. But it turns out that within the distance that the player can fall on one screen, it doesn’t really become a problem. I can revisit that decision if I end up with the screen scrolling vertically.

But immediately this has actually involved a big decision: to model acceleration under gravity realistically. This wasn’t what I had in mind when I opened my code editor to write a simple platform game, but Excalibur made it so easy to do that it’s what I ended up doing.

And since we have relatively realistic falling under gravity, it invites us to have relatively realistic left / right movement. Here’s what I ended up with:

  public update(engine: ex.Engine, delta: number) {
    if (this.onFloor && engine.input.keyboard.isHeld(ex.Input.Keys.Space)) {
      this.vel = new ex.Vector(this.vel.x, -400);
      this.acc = new ex.Vector(this.acc.x, 400);

    if (engine.input.keyboard.isHeld(ex.Input.Keys.Left)) {
      if (this.onFloor) {
        this.acc = new ex.Vector(-1000, this.acc.y);
      } else {
        this.acc = new ex.Vector(-200, this.acc.y)
    } else if (engine.input.keyboard.isHeld(ex.Input.Keys.Right)) {
      if (this.onFloor) {
        this.acc = new ex.Vector(1000, this.acc.y);
      } else {
        this.acc = new ex.Vector(200, this.acc.y);
    } else if (this.onFloor) {
      this.acc.x = 0;
      this.vel.x = 0;

    this.vel.x = Math.min(200, this.vel.x);
    this.vel.x = Math.max(-200, this.vel.x);

    return super.update(engine, delta);

Space bar for jump. It just sets the velocity and resets the acceleration (in case the acceleration got set to zero when the player landed on a platform).

Left and right arrows control the left and right movement, but they have a reduced effect while the player is in the air. This is a compromise between real physics (where you can hardly affect your trajectory in the air at all) and the desire in a platform game to have some ability to control your character as it flies through the air.

Also, both left and right set the acceleration rather than immediately setting the velocity. This leads to a small momentum effect where the player can’t change direction instantly. This is probably too much realism and too little fun as it currently stands.

The other detail is that once the player lands on the floor, they immediately stop moving sideways. This reflects the fact that it’s hard to control your motion in flight, but you won’t skid on the floor unless it’s very slippery. I considered adding a very small deceleration time so that the player would slip just a little as they landed, but it seemed to be too much work. The motion is a bit unnatural, though.

I was worried that figuring out when the player was on a floor would be hard, but it turns out to be pretty simple: I just set up this in the constructor:

  constructor(engine: ex.Engine) {
    this.body.collider.on('collisionstart', () => {
      this.onFloor = true;

    this.body.collider.on('collisionend', () => {
      this.onFloor = false;

This doesn’t check that the collision is one with a horizontal surface, so the user is on the “floor” if they graze past a vertical edge of a platform. This is actually quite pleasing though, as it gives you the ability to jump from the edges of walls and platforms. This rewards skill for the user, which is usually welcome in game design.